Andy and I have always had a passion for home education and the outdoors. We were both Admins on home education forums, but had never met. Three years ago we both happened to be in the same place, at the same time and discovered that we had more then a little in common. We spent the Summer of 2018 camping and touring around the home education festivals with our little tribe of kids and one evening, over a beer and campfire under the stars, the idea for Freespirit Glamping was born.
Before I met Andy I would take my daughter to all sorts of festivals but managing her, her gazillion essentials (her Piggy, yellow wellies and our other bits and pieces) and my own stuff was enough. There was no way I could have managed to transport a tent and put it up whilst watching a curious kid run out of my sight. I looked for holidays where the tents were already there. There were plenty of those but they were pretty standard. Nothing... special.
Andy had lived off-grid and knew everything there was to know about a compost loo! He can build pretty much anything. I'd had a corporate career for many years as a Project Manager and knew how it felt to work full time, squeezing in every precious drop of fun at weekends and during holidays. I'd also dropped out of this career to fulfil my dream of studying illustration. We found the perfect blend for our skills in designing, building and implementing our dreams. An ethical, eco camp site, close to nature and in beautiful surroundings with luxury thrown in so that you, our guests, can just roll up and enjoy comfort, peace, space and sit under the stars plotting and weaving your own dreams.
It's been quite a journey and we can't wait to share it all with you.
Helen x